New data: Small charities vital as 59% of Birmingham residents fear underfunding's impact

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New data released today to mark Small Charity Week (24 – 28 June) reveals how frequently people in Birmingham and people in the West Midlands use and rely on small charities.

· Just over 59% of people in Birmingham said small charity closures caused by underfunding would have a negative impact on their community.

· Over 21% of people in Birmingham have used a small charity because ‘they had nowhere else to turn to’ and over 18% said that public services were insufficient.

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· While over 1 in 3 (37%) people described small charities as ‘under supported’, ‘under resourced’, ‘essential’ and a ‘lifeline’; exposing how integral they are to people’s daily lives.

Photo by Joel Muniz on UnsplashPhoto by Joel Muniz on Unsplash
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

41% of people used a community-based food bank in the last year, with nearly 26% having to rely on them as frequently as once a week. As charities in the West Midlands plug the gap in people’s finances, over a quarter of people in the West Midlands said they used a small charity because they needed support with the pressures caused by the cost-of-living crisis.

The research commissioned by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) shows 22% of people have used a small charity because ‘they had nowhere else to turn to’ and 22% said that public services were insufficient. As many as 59% said small charity closures caused by underfunding would have a negative impact on their community. While over 1 in 3 people described small charities as ‘under supported’, ‘under resourced’, ‘essential’ and a ‘lifeline’; exposing how integral they are to people’s daily lives.

[BYSA (Birmingham Youth Sports Academy) is a small charity in Birmingham that offers football coaching to young people aged 6-18 at Small Heath Leisure Centre. Despite their crucial role in the community, grassroots clubs like BYSA face significant challenges due to a lack of funding and development resources. This financial strain impacts their ability to fully support their volunteers and the young people they serve.]

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Anwar Khattak, Founder at BYSA (Birmingham Youth Sports Academy) said:

"Every grassroots club is run by volunteers with life skills and experience to give back to young people and communities, playing a vital role on and off the pitch. Guidance and support are key for all areas in the UK. However, funding and development are needed to empower our volunteers. Grassroots clubs like BYSA are doing a lot of the work that professional establishments and authorities should be covering."

Other key findings and reasons for using small charities include:

  • The main reason Brits say they used a small charity in the last year was to ‘meet new people’ (29%)

  • Almost 1 in 5 (19%) have used advice and support centres and more than 1 in 5 (22%) have accessed animal shelters in their community

  • Over 1 in 10 (13%) of Brits say they used a small charity because they were experiencing loneliness

  • Almost half of Brits (47%) think the government should do more to support small charities, almost the same amount (48%) say it should be easier for small charities to get funding

  • Over a quarter of Brits (29%) say that the public should donate more money to charities, if they can. And almost 1 in 5 people (19%) say it should be made easier for people to volunteer for a small charity

Responding to the research, NCVO Chief Executive Sarah Elliott (formerly Vibert) said:

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“Today’s findings are a stark reminder that small charities in local communities, often those with the least resources, are plugging the financial gap caused by the cost of living crisis millions of people in this country are grappling with. It’s clear that many are accessing small charities for regular support for essential issues like being able to eat and feed their families.

Every day small charities are making a big difference, but they need better support and more volunteers to be able to stay open and continue the work that so many people depend on. Small charities are not just a nice to have, they provide services that underfunded public services can no longer do. As the country gears up to choose the next government, charities must be heard, recognised and given the support they need to ensure communities are stronger tomorrow than they are today.”

During Small Charity Week, NCVO is highlighting the lifeline that small charities provide to communities, and the precarious situation many charities find themselves in with increasing demand, falling income and increasing costs. As shown by previous NCVO data the combined effects of the pandemic and the cost of living crisis are likely to impact the voluntary sector as a whole but leave smaller charities particularly vulnerable. To help charities make our communities stronger, they must be at the forefront of people’s minds during the election and beyond. NCVO are asking the public to show their love for small charities by making a pledge on social media.

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